We offer an Alternative Pathway in the following Endorsement Areas:
o Praxis #5901 is comprised of 3 sub-tests. Candidates must obtain a passing score for each-subtest. Candidates can re-take one (or more) specific sub-tests in the case of not passing one (or more) subtests. Note: Effective 10/1/2021, all elementary candidates registering for a Praxis assessment must register for the 5901 Series.
The minimum passing score for each specific sub-test are:
Mathematics 5903 (157) -Praxis 5003 (157) also accepted
Social Studies 5904 (155) -Praxis 5004 (155) also accepted
Science 5905 (159) -Praxis 5005 (159) also accepted
Note: To complete the alternative program, candidates are also required to pass Praxis 5205 Teaching Reading: Elementary (159).
Special Education Generalist (ages 5-21)
To ENTER a Colorado Alternative teacher preparation program for this content area, professional competency must be demonstrated by achieving the minimum score(s) on the following exam series:
o Praxis #5901 is comprised of 3 sub-tests. Candidates must obtain a passing score for each-subtest. Candidates can re-take one (or more) specific sub-tests in the case of not passing one (or more) subtests. Note: Effective 10/1/2021, all elementary candidates registering for a Praxis assessment must register for the 5901 Series.
The minimum passing score for each specific sub-test are:
Mathematics 5903 (157) -Praxis 5003 (157) also accepted
Social Studies 5904 (155) -Praxis 5004 (155) also accepted
Science 5905 (159) -Praxis 5005 (159) also accepted
Note: To complete the alternative program, candidates are also required to pass both Praxis 5355-Special Education Foundational Knowledge (145) and Praxis 5205 Teaching Reading: Elementary (159) to meet the requirements for an initial teacher license.
*CDE will accept the PRAXIS 5354 Special Education: Core Knowledge until 8/31/29. The test will be available until 8/31/25
K-12 Endorsements
o Documented evidence from an accepted, regionally accredited college or university indicating completion of 24 semester hours of college level coursework OR
o Hold a degree in Visual Arts. OR
o A passing score of 158 or higher on Praxis #5135
Dance Documented evidence from an accepted, regionally accredited college or university indicating completion of 24 semester hours of college level coursework that meet the minimum requirement in each of the areas listed below. This may include a maximum of six semester hours of documented professional development or work experience. OR
o Hold a degree in Dance.
o Documented evidence from an accepted, regionally accredited college or university indicating completion of 24 semester hours of college level coursework that meet the minimum requirement in each of the areas listed below. This may include a maximum of six semester hours of documented professional development or work experience. OR
o Hold a degree in Drama/ Theater Arts. OR
o A passing score of 153 or higher on the Praxis #5641
o Documented evidence from an accepted, regionally accredited college or university indicating completion of 24 semester hours of college level coursework that meet the minimum requirement in each of the areas listed below for the targeted world language. This may include a maximum of six semester hours of documented professional development or work experience. OR
o Hold a degree in the target world language. OR
o A passing score on Praxis target world language exam.
French Praxis Test #5174/ Passing Score 162
German Praxis Test #5183/Passing Score 163
Latin Praxis Test # 5601/ Passing Score 152
Mandarin Chinese Praxis Test #5665/ Passing Score 163
o Bachelors Degree in Computer Science OR
o A score of 149 or higher on PRAXIS #5652
o Documented evidence from an accepted, regionally accredited college or university indicating completion of 24 semester hours of college level coursework that meet the minimum requirement in each of the areas listed below. This may include a maximum of six semester hours of documented professional development or work experience OR
o Hold a degree in Music. OR
o A passing score of 161 or higher on the Praxis #5113
o Documented evidence from an accepted, regionally accredited college or university indicating completion of 24 semester hours of college level coursework that meet the minimum requirement in each of the areas listed below. This may include a maximum of six semester hours of documented professional development or work experience. OR
o Hold a degree in Physical Education. OR
o A passing score of 148 or higher on the Praxis #5091
Secondary Endorsements
o Documented evidence from an accepted, regionally accredited college or university indicating completion of 24 semester hours of college level coursework that meet the minimum requirement in each of the areas listed below. This may include a maximum of six semester hours of documented professional development or work experience. OR
o Hold a degree in Business and/or Marketing. OR
o A passing score of 154 or higher on Praxis #5101
or A passing score of 157 or higher on Praxis #5561
or a passing score of 220 or higher on PLACE #34 Business
or a passing score of 220 or higher on PLACE #35 Marketing
o Documented evidence from an accepted, regionally accredited college or university indicating completion of 24 semester hours of college level coursework that meet the minimum requirement in each of the areas listed below. This may include a maximum of six semester hours of documented professional development or work experience. OR
o Hold a degree in English Language Arts. OR
o A passing score of 167 on Praxis #5038
Mathematics (Grades 7-12) & Middle School Math (Grades 6-8)
o Documented evidence from an accepted, regionally accredited college or university indicating completion of 24 semester hours of college level coursework that meet the minimum requirement in each of the areas listed below. This may include a maximum of six semester hours of documented professional development or work experience. OR
o Hold a degree in Mathematics OR Middle Level Mathematics (Middle School Math)
A passing score of 152 or higher on Praxis #5161 or 159 or higher on Praxis #5165 (Mathematics 7-12)
A passing score of 165 or higher on Praxis #5169 (Middle School Math)
o Documented evidence from an accepted, regionally accredited college or university indicating completion of 24 semester hours of college level coursework that meet the minimum requirement in each of the areas listed below. This may include a maximum of six semester hours of documented professional development or work experience. OR
o Hold a degree in Family and Consumer Studies. OR
o A passing score of 153 or higher on Praxis #5122
o Documented evidence from an accepted, regionally accredited college or university indicating completion of 24 semester hours of college level coursework that meet the minimum requirement in each of the areas listed below. This may include a maximum of six semester hours of documented professional development or work experience. OR
o An earned bachelor or higher degree in one of the following: General Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology or Astronomy. OR
o A passing score of 152 or higher on Praxis #5435 OR​
a passing score of 141 or higher on Praxis #5436
o Documented evidence from an accepted, regionally accredited college or university indicating completion of 24 semester hours of college level coursework that meet the minimum requirement in each of the areas listed below. This may include a maximum of six semester hours of documented professional development or work experience. OR
o An earned bachelor or higher degree in one of the following majors: history, geography, economics, political science OR social studies. OR
o Praxis #5081 (150 or higher)
Technology Education (Industrial Arts)
o Documented evidence from an accepted, regionally accredited college or university indicating completion of 24 semester hours of college level coursework that meet the minimum requirement in each of the areas listed below. This may include a maximum of six semester hours of documented professional development or work experience. OR
o Hold a degree in Technology Education. OR
o A passing score of 159 or higher on Praxis #5051
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